Do you know the importance of sea corals? Have you ever heard about coral bleaching? Can you do anything to help?

Do you know the importance of sea corals? Have you ever heard about coral bleaching? Can you do anything to help?

These beings with a wide variety of shapes, colors and sizes are responsible for many ecological activities beyond their filtering activity. They also work as shelter and food to many elements of aquatic life. 

At the same time that they are considered as pretty simple animals of the planet, they are also very sophisticated, and many times sensible to climate changes. One of the most interesting characteristics of corals is their capacity to associate with micro-algae, which offer them glucose resulting from photosynthesis in exchange for shelter.

Climate changes and the increase of temperature may trigger off a stressful answer on corals which expellees the micro-algae. As the color of corals are many times dependent on the pigment of these algae when expelled, the coral loses its color and their white skeleton becomes visible. That's why the consequence of this is known as coral bleaching and it can bring death to these sea creatures.

Unfortunately, 25% of coral reefs are irrevocably damaged. Destructive fishing practices, coral mining and climate change are some of the reasons behind their plight. Carbon pollution heats up the ocean and turns it more acidic, making it difficult for delicate creatures to build their calcium carbonate skeletons.

We'd like to spread awareness on this topic so not only our seas, but our planet can be a house to all living beings. Coral reefs are the largest structures on Earth of biological origin! Join Mar Brazil and let's fight to protect and preserve our oceans.

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