We all know the dangers of spending too much time in the sun. Time spent outside, even on cloudy days, means direct exposure to harmful UV rays, which can lead to painful burns and even skin cancer in some cases. With responsible use of a quality mineral sunscreen, these issues can be avoided, but you still have to be careful. Of course, you want to maintain your glow for the summer even year-round if possible. There are several alternatives to lying around in the sun, but which alternative is right for you?
1 - Carrots
This vegetable is most associated with tanning, and the reason for this is that they encourage the production of melanin, which is what gives our skin a tan through melanocytes. These are activated after exposure to the sun and at the same time protect our skin from ultraviolet rays. A must in your diet which will also bring the added benefit of helping you to achieve a stunning skin tone.
2 - Strawberries, oranges, grapefruit, kiwi. All foods rich in vitamin C are a great help when it comes to maintaining a perfect tan because they help to slow down the free radicals responsible for premature skin aging. It can be found in most fruits but especially in strawberries or citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit and kiwi.
3 - Spinach
Although its effects are not as well-known as those of carrots, spinach is also very rich in beta-carotene, a substance that encourages tanning as well as making your suntan last longer. The secret to this is because beta-carotene is a key element of vitamin A, which is why it is also known as pro-vitamin A, containing antioxidant and regenerative properties.
4 - Red fruits, red wine and tea
These three products provide polyphenols, bioactive nutrients that, in addition to other functions, combat the signs of premature aging. They prevent the spread of free radicals caused by external factors, and therefore assist in keeping our skin healthy and luminous, leading the way to a perfect tan.
Did you know about any of these foods? Tell us in the comment section!